About Us
Our story started 35 years ago with the 4 of us becoming friends. April and Rebekah met first in kindergarten and then April and Rebekah met Iris and Jaime in the first grade. All 4 of us were very close friends all through school. When we were in our 20's life took all of us in different directions. Some of us had kids, got married or moved to other states. Years later, life brought us all back together, like we had never skipped a beat, and here we are today! We came together and united our passions into one. Iris is a life-long visual artist and now works as a freelance graphic designer, Rebekah took her marketing and communication skills to the max to create her own cleaning business, April is currently an Operations Manager of a business and currently goes to college with the hopes of obtaining her Bachelors Degree in Business Management. Jaime is a hard-working stay at home mom who has amazing organizational and creative skills. Us together creates IV Sisters, a strong team of dedicated and success driven women who seek to empower and encourage others to follow their dreams as well.